Monday, July 6, 2009

Breaking Ground

This is the initial post in what I hope to be many. This medium will serve it's purpose for now, with much larger plans on the horizon, but I hope to provide some great coverage of the MLB Rule 4 draft. Now that 2009 is in the books, I will start to focus on 2010, and any draft talk about 2010 is going to begin with wunderkid, Bryce Harper - C Las Vegas, Nevada. I plan on posting something about the upcoming CBA talks and what they have to do with the draft, as there are rumblings of a rookie salary cap of some kind beginning in 2011. Why lead from Harper to the salary cap in 2011 you ask? Well for those of you who don't know, Harper is only 16 years old, and was not supposed to be draft elligible until 2011, but has dropped out of school, enrolled in Community College, and will subsequently be elligible in 2010. How convenient when Scott Boras is your advisor and you are being called the LeBron James of Baseball.

Well, that is a good start for now. I'll be back soon with a write up on Harper, some names to watch for in the college ranks next season, and hopefully some players who improve their stocks from the summer leagues. Hope you guys enjoy!

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